Happy Travels in 2007
NO, I care to much about my cultural identity | 1 (8%)
NO, it's to dangerous. I need the basic protection of at least my home country | 2 (16%)
NO, other reasons | 1 (8%)
YES, I am a global citizen and have my own identity and culture | 4 (33%)
YES, but I need somehow to lower my risklevel and secure my basic protection | 3 (25%)
YES, other reasons | 1 (8%)
Well this is Niels, or al least these are his personalia
Surname: Omad
Given Names: Niels
Date of Birth: 29 JUN 1980
Place of Birth:
Residence: Bruxelles
Personal no.: 131725932
Sex: Male
Height: 1,80m
In my thesis there is one whole week of his diary used as leading structure to all the facets of his life. For now I will only tell you the story, how he became a nomad
5 January 2010:
Today was one of those days that kept resonating for a long time inside my head. Not because something very special happened that day but because something happened that gave the opportunity to let special things happen in the future. My girlfriend went to the globe today. Not just for a vacation or a short meeting with some clients over there. No she went there for about 4 months. She had started her own architecture firm 5 years ago and without special effort she got projects all over the world. She already left Bruxelles quite often to discuss with her clients, but always came back after a few days. Now she entered the city she was designing for, the
28 January 2010:
'I want to live in the same city as my girlfriend'. That's what I told my supervisor this morning hanging over my instant made machine coffee served in a paper cup decorated with 12 stars and the motto " In varietate concordia" (united in diversity). Yes I worked for the EU. ‘But your girlfriend is traveling at the moment, isn’t she’? Two big eyes stared at me. ‘No, she is living in the
Hotel (global) | 2 (4%) |
Hotel (local) | 6 (14%) |
Camping | 7 (17%) |
Local people | 6 (14%) |
Hostel | 9 (21%) |
Rented Appartment | 11 (26%) |
Rhythm and melody:
Global and local connectivity:
City seen from Haarlemmermeerstation
What is you place of birth, residence, now?
When becomes a journey a long journey?
What triggers the home-feeling?