Friday, July 11, 2008
EXTERIOR impressions
This are some impressions of the exterior of the building. Because the building is not a very iconic building a multiple small corners are much more interresting than an overview. The first shows the slope towards the entrance, the second a sideview in which you can clearly see how the building dissapears between other buildings, the third a part of the topview and the fourth the entrance.

Thursday, July 10, 2008
The basic setup of the plans can be characterised in 5 steps:

- Long horizontal layed out lines with 3 m. distance from each other.
- Differentiation in distance between the walls with an underlaying grid of 0.75m x 0.75m.
- Three specified corridors, one for the hotels, one for the offices and one that connects both.
- Buildings surrounding the plot. One excisting and 4 new introduced.
- Introducing specific spaces with specific functions along the corridor.

INTERIOR impressions
Here are three interior impressions of the Globe Spot. The first representing a part of one of the corridors, the second the cafe and the third the livingroom above the cafe.

SECTION middle corridor

PLAN groundfloor
This is the plan of the groundfloor. Clearly visible are the lond walls and the different functions placed along them. On the right side we see the office functions and on the left side the hotel functions. In the middele they melt together by introducing a neighboorhood cafe. The entrance is on the top of the plan, just alongside the officeblock

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