The 10 hotspots of
- Number of connected hotspots
- Number of connected trainports
- Number of metrolines
- Number of bus- and tramlines
- Connected to Schiphol?
The 11 hotspots can be seperated in three categories:
- Central spots: Centraal Station, Centrum, Meseumplein
- Central Ring (near the centre): Admiraal de Ruijterweg, Amstelveense weg, Amstelstation, Zuidas, Sloterdijk.
- Sub-urbian areas: Buikslotermeerplein, Station Bijlmer, Amstelveen
If we look at al 11 hotspot independently we see the following
Centraal Station: Central station is without doubt the best connected spot in
Centrum: The 'Centrum' is in this case defined as the mainstream shopping area and located around the Dam-sqaure. Physically it is directly connected to the 'Centraal Station' and therefor inhabited by a mixture of groups. It is easially accesible area for everyone, therefore Central living Amsterdammers buying their clothes and Japanese tourist buying souvenirs are all together pushed through the shoppingstreets. The connectivity is foccussed on these two groups. A direct link to 'Centraal Station' for the tourist and a tight network around the City Centre with some sprouts to outer living areas. We can count the connection to 7 other hotspots, 3 trainports, 1 metroline and 15 tram- and buslines.
Admiraal de Ruijterweg: This hotspot is actually very localized and can at this point hardly be called a hotspot. But because of it's direct link to 7 other hotspots of witch 4 are trainports too it still is a beautiful link between the historic centre of Amsterdam and the Slotervaart sub-urb/ Station Sloterdijk. A link to the metronet and to Schiphol is still missing.
Amstelveenseweg: A hotspot caracterised by it's strong axes into central Amsterdam and Amstelveen and it's nearby location to the Zuidas. It is not a very tight network but it is widespread and connected to 4 of the 5 trainports. Connected to 8 other hotspots, 4 trainports, 12 tram and buslines and a direct link to Schiphol the only real thing that is missing is a metro-connection.
Amstelstation: This hotspot is a fairly well connected hotspot. With its connection to the Bijlmer, Amstelveen and Amsterdam-Noord it serves all different sub-urbs of Amsterdam except Sloten. There is a good connection to the central ring and the Central Station. But the rest of the historic Centre has a worse connectivity to the Amstelstation. It's figures are rather impressive: 9 hotspotconnections, all 5 trainports, 3 metrolines, 10 tram and buslines and of course a direct connection to Schiphol.
Zuid-as: The new multinational hotspot of Amsterdam. Buildings are popping out of the ground. The new metroline (Noord-Zuid lijn) has it's starting point here. The worlds greatest architects are hired to create a high-end image of marble, glass, enormous hight and vast spaces. It's figures can compede with those of 'Centraal Station'. 10 hotspot connections, 5 trainports, 3 metrolines, 10 tram and buslines and a connection to Schiphol. Because of it does not serve so many tram and buslines it's network is not so tight but it is widespread.
Sloterdijk: Sloterdijk is the port to the harbour area and to the sub-urbs Sloten and Osdorp. You see this reflected in the connectivity map which has a clear tendency towards the east of Amsterdam. It's connection to the city centre is not so good but because of the metroline there is a connection to the Bijlmer and the train contributes to a strong link to Schiphol. It's figures are not to bad. 8 hotspotconnections, 5 trainports, 1 metroline, 20 bus and tramlines and the before mentioned connection to Schiphol.
Buikslotermeerplein: This is the central area of Amsterdam Noord, a suburb on the Northbanks of the waterfront IJ. Because you have to cross the waterfront before you enter the rest of the city the public transport is mainly focussed on busses. A tight network on the North side of the IJ is visible a very well chosen set of connection points is visible on the south side. Centraal Station, Schiphol, Amstelstation, Station Sloterdijk, Zuidas and Station Bijlmer are all reachable from Buikslotermeerplein. This result in the following figures: 5 hotspots, 5 trainports, 1 metroline, 19 tram- and buslines, and the connection to Schiphol.
Station Bijlmer: One of the most discussed sub-urbs of Amsterdam, not only because of it's architeture but not less because of all the social problems of the past. Due to new urban and architectural inputs this area is becomming more and more a well loved place to live, work and enjoy. The connectivity map show an other image. It's transport network is mainly foccused on the surrounding area only the metrolines and the train connect this part of the city to the centre of Amsterdam. This results in the following figures: 6 hotspots, 5 trainports, 2 metrolines 15 tram- and buslines and a direct connection to Schiphol with the train.
Amstelveen: The once seperate municipality of Amstelveen got eaten by the city of Amsterdam but flourished because of it too. It's connectivity map shows a very strong link to the citycentre of and a very dense network in the south of Amsterda. It's figures are: 8 hotspots, 4 trainports, 12 tram- and buslines and a direct connection to Schiphol.
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